The past two days have been very active. Yesterday, Specialty Coatings started work on grinding the concrete floor. The old floor was painted in ugly dark splotchyness. For Voicebox, we're grinding off the paint and patching and leveling the floor, finishing up with a hardening treatment and an 800 grit polish. The end result will be durable, slip-resistant and full of character as the natural variation of 70 year old concrete and more recent pours comes through.
After the guys got started on the floor, I went down to the Development Service Center to try for my building permit. The process was mostly smooth sailing, thanks to all the research and prep work I've done over the past year. After visiting inspectors and examiners for everything from fire safety and plumbing to trash control and zoning, I emerged three hours later with my big, blank, bright orange permit record. A good milestone.
This morning, I checked in on the concrete team to find the floors coming along slowly. Tom and I were both surprised at the amount of variation across the various sections of floor. The end result is going to have a funky industrial look to it.
Most of today was spent trying to figure out the fire alarm situation. Usually, spaces this small don't require fire alarm systems, but I was required to put one in to satisfy a building code appeal.
According to the code, emergency egress paths may not pass through "intervening spaces". Since my emergency exit is inside Studio 5, I needed to get an appeal. It was granted on the condition that I install fire alarms.
After taking bids from several vendors across town, we've got it down to two. I spent a while on the phone today trying to nail down all the details between them. Hopefully tomorrow we'll put it to bed. Time is short since the framing is scheduled to be finished by the middle of next week, so the subcontractors will have to get in there to start the rough-in.
In another frustrating moment, I learned that my computer vendor completely screwed up. I ordered the server from Belmont Computers two and half weeks ago. It was supposed to be ready in a week, but then the guy who was in charge of building it quit -- and then his replacement was fired and walked off with one of my hard drives in the process.
Angrily, I called today to hear that the machine was finally ready only to learn that Belmont Computers is going out of business this week. When I arrived to pick up the machine, it was build completely wrong. I told them I didn't want it and asked for a refund. Thankfully, they agreed -- but still, this was a minor speedbump.
I was hoping to get the server in last week so I could get it crunching on the music library -- now I have to start from scratch with another computer vendor tomorrow and spend the weekend getting things up and running in time to debut the first bulk of the library at the karaoke party at the Comedysportz World Championship.
Pictures are up. Click my mug above to go. Nite!
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